Version 1.3.0
WiredTiger Python API

Python wrappers aroung the WiredTiger C API. More...


class  wiredtiger.Cursor
 Python wrapper around C WT_CURSOR. More...
class  wiredtiger.Session
 Python wrapper around C WT_SESSION. More...
class  wiredtiger.Connection
 Python wrapper around C WT_CONNECTION. More...


def wiredtiger.wiredtiger_open
 wiredtiger_open(home, config) -> int
def wiredtiger.wiredtiger_strerror
 wiredtiger_strerror(err) -> string
def wiredtiger.wiredtiger_version
 wiredtiger_version() -> string



Detailed Description

Python wrappers aroung the WiredTiger C API.

Function Documentation

def wiredtiger.wiredtiger_open (   args)

wiredtiger_open(home, config) -> int

Open a connection to a database.

const char *home = "WT_TEST";
ret = wiredtiger_open(home, NULL, "create,transactional", &conn);
homeThe path to the database home directory. See Database Home Directory for more information.
errhandlerAn error handler. If NULL, a builtin error handler is installed that writes error messages to stderr
configConfiguration string, see Configuration Strings. Permitted values:
buffer_alignmentin-memory alignment (in bytes) for buffers used for I/O. By default, a platform-specific alignment value is used (512 bytes on Linux systems, zero elsewhere).an integer between -1 and 1MB; default -1.
cache_sizemaximum heap memory to allocate for the integer between 1MB and 10TB; default 100MB.
createcreate the database if it does not exist.a boolean flag; default false.
direct_ioUse O_DIRECT to access files. Options are given as a list, such as "direct_io=[data]".a list, with values chosen from the following options: "data", "log"; default empty.
error_prefixprefix string for error messages.a string; default empty.
eviction_targetcontinue evicting until the cache becomes less full than this (as a percentage). Must be less than integer between 10 and 99; default 80.
eviction_triggertrigger eviction when the cache becomes this full (as a percentage).an integer between 10 and 99; default 95.
extensionslist of extensions to load. Optional values are passed as the config parameter to WT_CONNECTION::load_extension. Complex paths may need quoting, for example, extensions=("/path/to/"="entry=my_entry").a list of strings; default empty.
hazard_maxnumber of simultaneous hazard references per session integer greater than or equal to 15; default 30.
loggingenable logging.a boolean flag; default false.
multiprocesspermit sharing between processes (will automatically start an RPC server for primary processes and use RPC for secondary processes). Not yet supported in WiredTiger.a boolean flag; default false.
session_maxmaximum expected number of sessions (including server threads).an integer greater than or equal to 1; default 50.
syncflush files to stable storage when closing or writing checkpoints.a boolean flag; default true.
transactionalsupport transactional semantics.a boolean flag; default true.
use_environment_privuse the WIREDTIGER_CONFIG and WIREDTIGER_HOME environment variables regardless of whether or not the process is running with special privileges. See Database Home Directory for more information.a boolean flag; default false.
verboseenable messages for various events. Options are given as a list, such as "verbose=[evictserver,read]".a list, with values chosen from the following options: "block", "ckpt", "evict", "evictserver", "fileops", "hazard", "lsm", "mutex", "read", "readserver", "reconcile", "salvage", "verify", "write"; default empty.
Additionally, if a file named WiredTiger.config appears in the WiredTiger home directory, it is read for configuration values (see WiredTiger.config file for details). Configuration values specified in the config argument to the wiredtiger_open function override configuration values specified in the WiredTiger.config file.
connectionpA pointer to the newly opened connection handle
zero on success and a non-zero error code on failure. See Error Returns for details.

def wiredtiger.wiredtiger_strerror (   args)

wiredtiger_strerror(err) -> string

Return information about an error as a string; wiredtiger_strerror is a superset of the ISO C99/POSIX 1003.1-2001 function strerror.

const char *key = "some key";
cursor->set_key(cursor, key);
if ((ret = cursor->remove(cursor)) != 0) {
"cursor.remove: %s\n", wiredtiger_strerror(ret));
return (ret);
erra return value from a WiredTiger, C library or POSIX function
a string representation of the error

def wiredtiger.wiredtiger_version ( )

wiredtiger_version() -> string

Get version information.

printf("WiredTiger version %s\n", wiredtiger_version(NULL, NULL, NULL));
int major, minor, patch;
(void)wiredtiger_version(&major, &minor, &patch);
printf("WiredTiger version is %d, %d (patch %d)\n",
major, minor, patch);
majorpa location where the major version number is returned
minorpa location where the minor version number is returned
patchpa location where the patch version number is returned
a string representation of the version