Version 1.3.0
WiredTiger API

The functions, handles and methods applications use to access and manage data with WiredTiger. More...


struct  WT_ITEM
 A raw item of data to be managed. More...
struct  WT_CURSOR
 A WT_CURSOR handle is the interface to a cursor. More...
struct  WT_SESSION
 All data operations are performed in the context of a WT_SESSION. More...
 A connection to a WiredTiger database. More...
 The interface implemented by applications to handle error, informational and progress messages. More...


 The maximum packed size of a 64-bit integer.
 The maximum packed size of a 32-bit integer.


int wiredtiger_open (const char *home, WT_EVENT_HANDLER *errhandler, const char *config, WT_CONNECTION **connectionp)
 Open a connection to a database.
const char * wiredtiger_strerror (int err)
 Return information about an error as a string; wiredtiger_strerror is a superset of the ISO C99/POSIX 1003.1-2001 function strerror.
int wiredtiger_struct_pack (WT_SESSION *session, void *buffer, size_t size, const char *format,...)
 Pack a structure into a buffer.
int wiredtiger_struct_size (WT_SESSION *session, size_t *sizep, const char *format,...)
 Calculate the size required to pack a structure.
int wiredtiger_struct_unpack (WT_SESSION *session, const void *buffer, size_t size, const char *format,...)
 Unpack a structure from a buffer.
const char * wiredtiger_version (int *majorp, int *minorp, int *patchp)
 Get version information.

Error returns

Most functions and methods in WiredTiger return an integer code indicating whether the operation succeeded or failed. A return of zero indicates success, all non-zero return values indicate some kind of failure.

WiredTiger reserves all values from -31,800 to -31,999 as possible error return values. WiredTiger may also return C99/POSIX error codes such as ENOMEM, EINVAL and ENOTSUP, with the usual meanings.

The following are all of the WiredTiger-specific error returns:

 Conflict between concurrent operations.
 Attempt to insert an existing key.
#define WT_ERROR
 Non-specific WiredTiger error.
 Cursor item not found.

Statistics for connection handles

Statistics in WiredTiger are accessed through cursors with "statistics:" URIs. Individual statistics can be queried through the cursor using the following keys.

#define WT_STAT_txn_ancient
 ancient transactions
#define WT_STAT_block_read
 blocks read from a file
#define WT_STAT_block_write
 blocks written to a file
#define WT_STAT_cache_bytes_inuse
 cache: bytes currently held in the cache
#define WT_STAT_cache_evict_slow
 cache: eviction server unable to reach eviction goal
#define WT_STAT_cache_evict_internal
 cache: internal pages evicted
#define WT_STAT_cache_bytes_max
 cache: maximum bytes configured
#define WT_STAT_cache_evict_modified
 cache: modified pages evicted
#define WT_STAT_cache_pages_inuse
 cache: pages currently held in the cache
#define WT_STAT_cache_evict_hazard
 cache: pages selected for eviction not evicted because of a hazard reference
#define WT_STAT_cache_evict_unmodified
 cache: unmodified pages evicted
#define WT_STAT_checkpoint
#define WT_STAT_cond_wait
 condition wait calls
#define WT_STAT_file_open
 files currently open
#define WT_STAT_rwlock_rdlock
 rwlock readlock calls
#define WT_STAT_rwlock_wrlock
 rwlock writelock calls
#define WT_STAT_memalloc
 total memory allocations
#define WT_STAT_memfree
 total memory frees
#define WT_STAT_total_read_io
 total read I/Os
#define WT_STAT_total_write_io
 total write I/Os
#define WT_STAT_txn_begin
#define WT_STAT_txn_commit
 transactions committed
#define WT_STAT_txn_rollback
 transactions rolled-back

Statistics for file objects

#define WT_STAT_file_bulk_loaded
 bulk-loaded entries
#define WT_STAT_file_col_deleted
 column-store deleted values
#define WT_STAT_file_col_fix_pages
 column-store fixed-size leaf pages
#define WT_STAT_file_col_int_pages
 column-store internal pages
#define WT_STAT_file_col_var_pages
 column-store variable-size leaf pages
#define WT_STAT_cursor_inserts
#define WT_STAT_cursor_read
#define WT_STAT_cursor_read_near
#define WT_STAT_cursor_read_next
#define WT_STAT_cursor_read_prev
#define WT_STAT_cursor_removes
#define WT_STAT_cursor_resets
#define WT_STAT_cursor_updates
#define WT_STAT_alloc
 file: block allocations
#define WT_STAT_extend
 file: block allocations required file extension
#define WT_STAT_free
 file: block frees
#define WT_STAT_overflow_read
 file: overflow pages read from the file
#define WT_STAT_page_read
 file: pages read from the file
#define WT_STAT_page_write
 file: pages written to the file
#define WT_STAT_file_size
 file: size
#define WT_STAT_file_fixed_len
 fixed-record size
#define WT_STAT_file_magic
 magic number
#define WT_STAT_file_major
 major version number
#define WT_STAT_file_maxintlitem
 maximum internal page item size
#define WT_STAT_file_maxintlpage
 maximum internal page size
#define WT_STAT_file_maxleafitem
 maximum leaf page item size
#define WT_STAT_file_maxleafpage
 maximum leaf page size
#define WT_STAT_file_minor
 minor version number
#define WT_STAT_file_overflow
 overflow pages
#define WT_STAT_file_allocsize
 page size allocation unit
#define WT_STAT_rec_page_merge
 reconcile: deleted or temporary pages merged
#define WT_STAT_rec_dictionary
 reconcile: dictionary match
#define WT_STAT_rec_split_intl
 reconcile: internal pages split
#define WT_STAT_rec_split_leaf
 reconcile: leaf pages split
#define WT_STAT_rec_ovfl_key
 reconcile: overflow key
#define WT_STAT_rec_ovfl_value
 reconcile: overflow value
#define WT_STAT_rec_page_delete
 reconcile: pages deleted
#define WT_STAT_rec_written
 reconcile: pages written
#define WT_STAT_rec_hazard
 reconcile: unable to acquire hazard reference
#define WT_STAT_file_row_int_pages
 row-store internal pages
#define WT_STAT_file_row_leaf_pages
 row-store leaf pages
#define WT_STAT_file_entries
 total entries
#define WT_STAT_update_conflict
 update conflicts
#define WT_STAT_file_write_conflicts
 write generation conflicts

Detailed Description

The functions, handles and methods applications use to access and manage data with WiredTiger.

Class Documentation

struct WT_ITEM

A raw item of data to be managed.

Data items have a pointer to the data and a length (limited to 4GB for items stored in tables).

Class Members
const void * data The memory reference of the data item. For items returned by a WT_CURSOR, the pointer is only valid until the next operation on that cursor. Applications that need to keep an item across multiple cursor operations must make a copy.
uint32_t size The number of bytes in the data item.

Macro Definition Documentation


Conflict between concurrent operations.

This error is generated when an operation cannot be completed due to a conflict with concurrent operations. The operation should be retried. If a transaction is in progress, it should be rolled back and the operation retried in a new transaction.


Attempt to insert an existing key.

This error is generated when the application attempts to insert a record with the same key as an existing record without the 'overwrite' configuration to WT_SESSION::open_cursor.

#define WT_ERROR

Non-specific WiredTiger error.

This error is generated for cases that are not covered by specific error returns.


The maximum packed size of a 32-bit integer.

The wiredtiger_struct_pack function will pack single integers into at most this many bytes.


The maximum packed size of a 64-bit integer.

The wiredtiger_struct_pack function will pack single long integers into at most this many bytes.


Cursor item not found.

This error indicates a cursor operation did not find a record to return. This includes search and other operations where no record matched the cursor's search key such as WT_CURSOR::update or WT_CURSOR::remove.


Function Documentation

int wiredtiger_open ( const char *  home,
WT_EVENT_HANDLER errhandler,
const char *  config,
WT_CONNECTION **  connectionp 

Open a connection to a database.

const char *home = "WT_TEST";
ret = wiredtiger_open(home, NULL, "create,transactional", &conn);
homeThe path to the database home directory. See Database Home Directory for more information.
errhandlerAn error handler. If NULL, a builtin error handler is installed that writes error messages to stderr
configConfiguration string, see Configuration Strings. Permitted values:
buffer_alignmentin-memory alignment (in bytes) for buffers used for I/O. By default, a platform-specific alignment value is used (512 bytes on Linux systems, zero elsewhere).an integer between -1 and 1MB; default -1.
cache_sizemaximum heap memory to allocate for the integer between 1MB and 10TB; default 100MB.
createcreate the database if it does not exist.a boolean flag; default false.
direct_ioUse O_DIRECT to access files. Options are given as a list, such as "direct_io=[data]".a list, with values chosen from the following options: "data", "log"; default empty.
error_prefixprefix string for error messages.a string; default empty.
eviction_targetcontinue evicting until the cache becomes less full than this (as a percentage). Must be less than integer between 10 and 99; default 80.
eviction_triggertrigger eviction when the cache becomes this full (as a percentage).an integer between 10 and 99; default 95.
extensionslist of extensions to load. Optional values are passed as the config parameter to WT_CONNECTION::load_extension. Complex paths may need quoting, for example, extensions=("/path/to/"="entry=my_entry").a list of strings; default empty.
hazard_maxnumber of simultaneous hazard references per session integer greater than or equal to 15; default 30.
loggingenable logging.a boolean flag; default false.
multiprocesspermit sharing between processes (will automatically start an RPC server for primary processes and use RPC for secondary processes). Not yet supported in WiredTiger.a boolean flag; default false.
session_maxmaximum expected number of sessions (including server threads).an integer greater than or equal to 1; default 50.
syncflush files to stable storage when closing or writing checkpoints.a boolean flag; default true.
transactionalsupport transactional semantics.a boolean flag; default true.
use_environment_privuse the WIREDTIGER_CONFIG and WIREDTIGER_HOME environment variables regardless of whether or not the process is running with special privileges. See Database Home Directory for more information.a boolean flag; default false.
verboseenable messages for various events. Options are given as a list, such as "verbose=[evictserver,read]".a list, with values chosen from the following options: "block", "ckpt", "evict", "evictserver", "fileops", "hazard", "lsm", "mutex", "read", "readserver", "reconcile", "salvage", "verify", "write"; default empty.
Additionally, if a file named WiredTiger.config appears in the WiredTiger home directory, it is read for configuration values (see WiredTiger.config file for details). Configuration values specified in the config argument to the wiredtiger_open function override configuration values specified in the WiredTiger.config file.
connectionpA pointer to the newly opened connection handle
zero on success and a non-zero error code on failure. See Error Returns for details.
ex_access.c, ex_call_center.c, ex_config.c, ex_cursor.c, ex_extending.c, ex_file.c, ex_hello.c, ex_pack.c, ex_schema.c, ex_stat.c, and ex_thread.c.
const char* wiredtiger_strerror ( int  err)

Return information about an error as a string; wiredtiger_strerror is a superset of the ISO C99/POSIX 1003.1-2001 function strerror.

const char *key = "some key";
cursor->set_key(cursor, key);
if ((ret = cursor->remove(cursor)) != 0) {
"cursor.remove: %s\n", wiredtiger_strerror(ret));
return (ret);
erra return value from a WiredTiger, C library or POSIX function
a string representation of the error
ex_access.c, ex_call_center.c, ex_config.c, ex_cursor.c, ex_extending.c, ex_file.c, ex_hello.c, ex_pack.c, ex_schema.c, and ex_thread.c.
int wiredtiger_struct_pack ( WT_SESSION session,
void *  buffer,
size_t  size,
const char *  format,

Pack a structure into a buffer.

See Packing and Unpacking Data for a description of the permitted format strings.

Packing Examples

For example, the string "iSh" will pack a 32-bit integer followed by a NUL-terminated string, followed by a 16-bit integer. The default, big-endian encoding will be used, with no alignment. This could be used in C as follows:

char buf[100];
session, buf, sizeof(buf), "iSh", 42, "hello", -3);

Then later, the values can be unpacked as follows:

int i;
char *s;
short h;
session, buf, sizeof(buf), "iSh", &i, &s, &h);
sessionthe session handle
buffera pointer to a packed byte array
sizethe number of valid bytes in the buffer
formatthe data format, see Packing and Unpacking Data
zero on success and a non-zero error code on failure. See Error Returns for details.
int wiredtiger_struct_size ( WT_SESSION session,
size_t *  sizep,
const char *  format,

Calculate the size required to pack a structure.

Note that for variable-sized fields including variable-sized strings and integers, the calculated sized merely reflects the expected sizes specified in the format string itself.

size_t size;
ret = wiredtiger_struct_size(session, &size, "iSh", 42, "hello", -3);
sessionthe session handle
sizepa location where the the number of bytes needed for the matching call to wiredtiger_struct_pack is returned
formatthe data format, see Packing and Unpacking Data
zero on success and a non-zero error code on failure. See Error Returns for details.
int wiredtiger_struct_unpack ( WT_SESSION session,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  size,
const char *  format,

Unpack a structure from a buffer.

Reverse of wiredtiger_struct_pack: gets values out of a packed byte string.

int i;
char *s;
short h;
session, buf, sizeof(buf), "iSh", &i, &s, &h);
sessionthe session handle
buffera pointer to a packed byte array
sizethe number of valid bytes in the buffer
formatthe data format, see Packing and Unpacking Data
zero on success and a non-zero error code on failure. See Error Returns for details.
const char* wiredtiger_version ( int *  majorp,
int *  minorp,
int *  patchp 

Get version information.

printf("WiredTiger version %s\n", wiredtiger_version(NULL, NULL, NULL));
int major, minor, patch;
(void)wiredtiger_version(&major, &minor, &patch);
printf("WiredTiger version is %d, %d (patch %d)\n",
major, minor, patch);
majorpa location where the major version number is returned
minorpa location where the minor version number is returned
patchpa location where the patch version number is returned
a string representation of the version