▼Ncom | |
▼Nwiredtiger | |
▼Ndb | |
CAsyncCallback | An interface that must be implemented to receive notifications from asynchronous operations |
CAsyncOp | A WT_ASYNC_OP handle is the interface to an asynchronous operation. |
CAsyncOpType | |
CConnection | A connection to a WiredTiger database. |
CCursor | A WT_CURSOR handle is the interface to a cursor. |
CPackFormatInputStream | An internal helper class for consuming pack format strings |
CPackInputStream | An internal helper class for decoding WiredTiger packed values |
CPackOutputStream | An internal helper class for encoding WiredTiger packed values |
CSearchStatus | |
CSession | All data operations are performed in the context of a WT_SESSION. |
Cwiredtiger | |
CwiredtigerConstants | |
CWiredTigerException | An exception that is generated by the WiredTiger application |
CwiredtigerJNI | |
CWiredTigerPackingException | An exception that is generated by the WiredTiger application during encoding or decoding of packed values |
CWT_ASYNC_CALLBACK | The interface implemented by applications to accept notifications of the completion of asynchronous operations |
CWT_ASYNC_OP | A WT_ASYNC_OP handle is the interface to an asynchronous operation |
CWT_COLLATOR | The interface implemented by applications to provide custom ordering of records |
CWT_COMPRESSOR | The interface implemented by applications to provide custom compression |
CWT_CONFIG_ITEM | The configuration information returned by the WiredTiger configuration parsing functions in the WT_EXTENSION_API and the public API |
CWT_CONFIG_PARSER | A handle that can be used to search and traverse configuration strings compatible with WiredTiger APIs |
CWT_CONNECTION | A connection to a WiredTiger database |
CWT_CURSOR | A WT_CURSOR handle is the interface to a cursor |
CWT_DATA_SOURCE | Applications can extend WiredTiger by providing new implementations of the WT_DATA_SOURCE class |
CWT_EVENT_HANDLER | The interface implemented by applications to handle error, informational and progress messages |
CWT_EXTENSION_API | Table of WiredTiger extension methods |
CWT_EXTRACTOR | The interface implemented by applications to provide custom extraction of index keys or column group values |
CWT_ITEM | A raw item of data to be managed, including a pointer to the data and a length |
CWT_LSN | A log sequence number, representing a position in the transaction log |
CWT_SESSION | All data operations are performed in the context of a WT_SESSION |
CWT_TXN_NOTIFY | Snapshot isolation level, returned by WT_EXTENSION_API::transaction_isolation_level |