Version 1.6.5
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
| \Ndb
|  oCConnectionA connection to a WiredTiger database.
|  oCCursorA WT_CURSOR handle is the interface to a cursor.
|  oCPackFormatInputStreamAn internal helper class for consuming pack format strings
|  oCPackInputStreamAn internal helper class for decoding WiredTiger packed values
|  oCPackOutputStreamAn internal helper class for encoding WiredTiger packed values
|  oCSearchStatus
|  oCSessionAll data operations are performed in the context of a WT_SESSION.
|  oCwiredtiger
|  oCwiredtigerConstants
|  oCWiredTigerExceptionAn exception that is generated by the WiredTiger application
|  oCwiredtigerJNI
|  \CWiredTigerPackingExceptionAn exception that is generated by the WiredTiger application during encoding or decoding of packed values
oCWT_TXN_NOTIFYSnapshot isolation level, returned by WT_EXTENSION_API::transaction_isolation_level
oCWT_COLLATORThe interface implemented by applications to provide custom ordering of records
oCWT_COMPRESSORThe interface implemented by applications to provide custom compression
oCWT_CONFIG_ITEMThe configuration information returned by the WiredTiger extension function WT_EXTENSION_API::config_get
oCWT_CONNECTIONA connection to a WiredTiger database
oCWT_CURSORA WT_CURSOR handle is the interface to a cursor
oCWT_DATA_SOURCEApplications can extend WiredTiger by providing new implementations of the WT_DATA_SOURCE class
oCWT_EVENT_HANDLERThe interface implemented by applications to handle error, informational and progress messages
oCWT_EXTENSION_APITable of WiredTiger extension methods
oCWT_EXTRACTORThe interface implemented by applications to provide custom extraction of index keys or column group values
oCWT_ITEMA raw item of data to be managed
\CWT_SESSIONAll data operations are performed in the context of a WT_SESSION