Version 11.2.0
Testing with LLVM LibFuzzer

Building and running an LLVM LibFuzzer fuzzer

LLVM LibFuzzer is an in-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine. It feeds a series of fuzzed inputs via a user-provided "target" function and attempts to trigger crashes, memory bugs and undefined behavior.

A fuzzer is a program that consists of the aforementioned target function linked against the LibFuzzer runtime. The LibFuzzer runtime provides the entry-point to the program and repeatedly calls the target function with generated inputs.

Step 1: Configure with Clang as your C compiler and enable LibFuzzer

Support for LibFuzzer is implemented as a compiler flag in Clang. WiredTiger's build configuration checks whether the compiler in use supports -fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link and if so, elects to build the tests.

Compiling with Clang's Address Sanitizer isn't mandatory but it is recommended since fuzzing often exposes memory bugs.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build

Step 2: Build as usual

$ make

Step 3: Run a fuzzer

Each fuzzer is a program under build/test/fuzz/. WiredTiger provides the test/fuzz/ script to quickly get started using a fuzzer. It performs a limited number of runs, automatically cleans up after itself in between runs and provides a sensible set of parameters which users can add to. For example:

$ cd build/test/fuzz/
$ bash ../../../test/fuzz/ ./test_fuzz_modify

In general the usage is: <fuzz-test-binary> [fuzz-test-args]

Each fuzzer will produce a few outputs:

  • crash-<input-hash>: If an error occurs, a file will be produced containing the input that crashed the target.
  • fuzz-N.log: The LibFuzzer log for worker N. This is just an ID that LibFuzzer assigns to each worker ranging from 0 => the number of workers - 1.
  • WT_TEST_<pid>: The home directory for a given worker process.
  • WT_TEST_<pid>.profraw: If the fuzzer is running with Clang coverage (more on this later), files containing profiling data for a given worker will be produced. These will be used by fuzz_coverage.


LibFuzzer is a coverage based fuzzer meaning that it notices when a particular input hits a new code path and adds it to a corpus of interesting data inputs. It then uses existing data in the corpus to mutate and come up with new inputs.

While LibFuzzer will automatically add to its corpus when it finds an interesting input, some fuzz targets (especially those that expect data in a certain format) require a corpus to start things off in order to be effective. The fuzzer fuzz_config is one example of this as it expects its data sliced with a separator so the fuzzing engine needs some examples to guide it. The corpus is supplied as the first positional argument to both and the underlying fuzzer itself. For example:

$ cd build/test/fuzz/
$ bash ../../../test/fuzz/ ./test_fuzz_config ../../../test/fuzz/config/corpus/

Implementing an LLVM LibFuzzer fuzzer


Creating a fuzzer with LLVM LibFuzzer requires an implementation of a single function called LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput. It has the following prototype:

int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size);

When supplied with the -fsanitize=fuzzer flag, Clang will use its own main function and repeatedly call the provided LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput with various inputs. There is a lot of information online about best practices when writing fuzzing targets but to summarize, the requirements are much like those for writing unit tests: they should be fast, deterministic and stateless (as possible). The LLVM LibFuzzer reference page is a good place to start to learn more.

Fuzz Utilities

WiredTiger has a small fuzz utilities library containing common functionality required for writing fuzz targets. Most of the important functions here are about manipulating fuzz input into something that targets can use with the WiredTiger API.

Slicing inputs

If the function that a target is testing can accept a binary blob of data, then the target will be straightforward as it'll more or less just pass the input to the function under test. But for functions that require more structured input, this can pose a challenge. As an example, the fuzz_config target requires two inputs that can be variable length: a configuration string and a key to search for. In order to do this, the target can use an arbitrary separator sequence to split the input into multiple parts with the following API:

typedef struct {
const uint8_t **slices;
size_t *sizes;
size_t num_slices;
bool fuzzutil_sliced_input_init(FUZZ_SLICED_INPUT *input, const uint8_t *data, size_t size,
const uint8_t *sep, size_t sep_size, size_t req_slices);
void fuzzutil_sliced_input_free(FUZZ_SLICED_INPUT *input);

Using this API, the target can supply a data buffer, a separator sequence and the number of inputs it needs. If it doesn't find the right number of separators in the provided input, fuzzutil_sliced_input_init will return false and the target should return out of the LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput function. While this may seem like the target will reject a lot of input, the fuzzing engine is able to figure out (especially if an initial corpus is supplied), that inputs with the right number of separators tend to yield better code coverage and will bias its generated inputs towards this format.

In fuzz_config, we use the | character as a separator since this cannot appear in a configuration string. So an input separated correctly will look like this:


But for data where there is no distinct character that can be used as a sentinel, we can provide a byte sequence such as 0xdeadbeef. So in that case, a valid input may look like this:

0xaa 0xaa 0xde 0xad 0xbe 0xef 0xff 0xff

Viewing code coverage for an LLVM LibFuzzer fuzzer

After implementing a new fuzzing target, developers typically want to validate that it's doing something useful. If the fuzzer is not producing failures, it's either because the code under test is robust or the fuzzing target isn't doing a good job of exercising different code paths.

Step 1: Configure your build to compile with Clang coverage

In order to view code coverage information, the build will need to be configured with the -fprofile-instr-generate and -fcoverage-mapping flags to tell Clang to instrument WiredTiger with profiling information. It's important that these are added to both the CFLAGS and LINKFLAGS variables.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DENABLE_LLVM=1 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/toolchains/clang.cmake -DCLANG_C_VERSION="8" -DCLANG_CXX_VERSION="8" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage ../.

Step 2: Build and run fuzzer

Build and invoke for the desired fuzzer as described in the section above.

Step 3: Generate code coverage information

After running the fuzzer with Clang coverage switched on, there should be a number of profraw files in the working directory.

Those files contain the raw profiling data however, some post-processing is required to get it into a readable form. WiredTiger provides a script called that handles this. It expects to be called from the same directory that the fuzzer was executed in.

$ cd build/test/fuzz
$ bash ../../../test/fuzz/ ./test_fuzz_modify

In general the usage is: <fuzz-test-binary>

The script produces a few outputs:

  • <fuzz-test-binary>_cov.txt: A coverage report in text format. It can be inspected with the less command and searched for functions of interest. The numbers on the left of each line of code indicate how many times they were hit in the fuzzer.
  • <fuzz-test-binary>_cov.html: A coverage report in html format. If a web browser is available, this might be a nicer way to visualize the coverage.

The script uses a few optional environment variables to modify its behavior.

  • PROFDATA_BINARY: The binary used to merge the profiling data. The script defaults to using llvm-profdata.
  • COV_BINARY: The binary used to generate coverage information. The script defaults to using llvm-cov.

For consistency, the script should use the llvm-profdata and llvm-cov binaries from the same LLVM release as the clang compiler used to build with. In the example above, clang-8 was used in the configuration, so the corresponding invocation should look like this:

$ PROFDATA_BINARY=llvm-profdata-8 COV_BINARY=llvm-cov-8 bash ../../../test/fuzz/ ./fuzz_modify