Version 2.5.0
Packing and Unpacking Data in Java

WiredTiger's data packing uses format strings similar to those specified in the Python struct module:

The first character of the format string can be used to indicate the byte order, size and alignment of the packed data, according to the following table:

CharacterByte orderSizeAlignment

If the first character is not one of these, '.' (big-endian, packed) is assumed: it naturally sorts in lexicographic order, and the packed format uses variable-sized encoding of values to reduce the data size.

Note: little-endian format not yet supported in WiredTiger. Only the default big-endian, packed format is currently supported.

The remaining characters in the format string specify the type of each field to be packed into or unpacked from a byte array. See Column types for the list of supported types.

In Java, data is packed and unpacked using cursor put* and get* operations, for example:

/* Insert the records into the table. */
cursor = session.open_cursor("table:poptable", null, "append");
for (PopRecord p : popData) {
ret = cursor.insert();
ret = cursor.close();
/* List the records in the table. */
cursor = session.open_cursor("table:poptable", null, null);
while ((ret = == 0) {
recno = cursor.getKeyLong();
country = cursor.getValueString();
year = cursor.getValueShort();
population = cursor.getValueLong();
System.out.print("ID " + recno);
System.out.println(": country " + country + ", year " + year +
", population " + population);
ret = cursor.close();